The QS Global 250 Business Schools Report 2017 is a summary and evaluation of the world’s best business schools. The MBA rankings, analyzed by region, look at full-time programmes at institutions across the globe.
This year, business schools in 36 countries feature in the report, the results of which are based on findings from over 12,000 MBA employers globally and more than 8,000 academics in the fields of business and management over a period of five years.
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It may also be of interest to you, that we have now released our MBA & Masters Rankings for 2018. They represent our most sophisticated set produced to date and convey the hard-work and expertise that has contributed towards pioneering a revolutionary ranking system.
These rankings were put together based on 172,107 responses to our Global Academic Survey, and 158,000 from our Global Employer Survey, to accompany the information required from over 250 business schools as previously mentioned.
Find out about this year’s results and the methodology behind our extensive research.
The report groups each institution into one of four quadrants, based on the strength of its full-time MBA programme in employability or research, these are:
- The Global Elite Quadrant
Schools which score above top-tier thresholds for research and employability - The Top-Tier Employability Quadrant
Schools with top-tier scores for employability, but ones that are not quite matched by their scores for research excellence - The Top-Tier Research Quadrant
Schools with top-tier scores for research excellence, but ones that are not quite matched by their scores for employability - The Superior Quadrant
Schools which have a solid reputation for both employability and research excellence, but which may not yet be top-tier
The results:
The report’s two independent areas of assessment, employability and research excellence, also inform two sets of MBA rankings for each region of the world. Below, we’ve summarised the top institution in each region for both of the assessment areas:
- North America: Harvard Business School
- Europe: London Business School
- Asia-Pacific: INSEAD (Singapore)
- Latin America: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Middle East & Africa: Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town
Research excellence:
- North America: Harvard Business School
- Europe: London Business School
- Asia-Pacific: NUS Business School
- Latin America: EGADE Business School, Campus Monterrey
- Middle East & Africa: Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town
Interesting findings:
This year’s MBA rankings produce some interesting results for the sector. While 85% of the business schools in the Global Elite Quadrant are located in North America or Europe, five institutions are in Asia-Pacific and another two are in Latin America. This demonstrates that business schools with the highest international reputations can be found all over the globe.