XVI CBESP – Congresso Brasileiro da Educação Superior Particular
5th-7th June 2024
ClubMed Paradise Lake, Mogi das Cruzes, Brazil
The hybrid QS Higher Ed Summit: Americas, held in Centro Cultural Jaime Torres Bodet, Mexico City, Mexico on 3-4 October 2024, aims at creating a global network of expert higher education professionals interested in growing their connections in the region, learning and sharing the best pedagogical approaches with their peers.
Our globally recognised university rating system, QS Stars, uses a comprehensive framework to rate and showcase university performance across a range of criteria.
The QS Stars rating system is built on years of experience conducting analysis and evolving the QS World University Rankings portfolio.
For more information, you can visit our page on our website by clicking this link. Or, you can register you interest using the form below and a representative will be in contact soon to discuss more with you.