Student Recruitment Solutions

We support institutions across the globe at all stages of the student recruitment journey – from initial enquiry to enrolment.

Brand awareness and lead generation

Join the student fairs redefining traditional recruitment. Our in-person and online events connect your institution with ambitious students, building brand awareness in your target markets and generating high-quality leads.

Leverage our digital presence and trusted reputation to showcase your institution to qualified prospects everywhere. Profile your school on our websites, tap into real-time data insights, and boost your online visibility. 

Explore our range of brand awareness and lead generation solutions below, or get in touch with a QS team member today.

Student recruitment events

Connect with motivated students around the world to strengthen and grow your student pipeline.

Performance ratings

Our globally-recognised rating system, QS Stars, uses a comprehensive framework to assess university performance.

Marketing and advertising

Leverage our global network, marketing tools and years of expertise to engage and communicate effectively with students.

Student insights

Understand the motivations and expectations of global candidates with our user-friendly analytics tool.

Convert quality leads

Speed up, scale up and streamline your lead conversion with our powerful combination of insight, expertise and machine learning innovation. 

Our global enquiry and admissions teams provide responsive, seamless guidance tailored to each student’s needs, nurturing them at every stage of their journey. From first enquiry to completed application, we’ll relieve the pressure, adding pace and maintaining quality so your in-house teams flourish. 

Explore our range of solutionsbelow orget in touch with a QS team member today to discover how to leverage them as part of a broader recruitment strategy. 

From curiosity to commitment: Enquiry management services

Progress your qualified leads from first enquiry through to completed application. We add scale to your team while maintaining 1-to-1 engagement.

In safe hands: Application assessment services

Our application specialists help to optimise completion checks, expedite application assessments, manage application volumes and improve turnaround times.

An expert global network: QS Apply counselling services

Partner with us to diversify your student communities and grow student enrolments.

Recruit smarter with QS 360 

QS 360 turns insights into impact, enabling you to predict, plan, and perform in an ever-changing market. Our all-in-one analytics and advisory solution combines real-time data with expert guidance, giving you the tools to: 

  • See ahead with clarity
  • Strategise with confidence
  • Drive sustained success

Explore QS 360

Enrol students

Make every offer count with conversion services that maximise enrolments through proactive and personalised communication. 

We harness the power of AI technology to identify the offerholders most likely to enrol, enabling us to prioritise one-to-one engagement precisely where it’s most effective. 

With personalised, omnichannel outreach, we’ll build trust and excitement, making candidates feel like valued members of your community long before they set foot on campus. 

Find out more orget in touch with a QS team member today to discover how to leverage them as part of a broader recruitment strategy. 

Success stories

“The QS model is very simple. It’s an easy turn-key solution which generates enrolment without all the baggage of a universal service agreement, which is often the case with those bigger players.”

Felix Jelen, Mercer University
Felix Jelen, Mercer University

Read the full story

qs success stories image

Master your international student journey

Learn how to find, convert and enrol more of your ideal students. Understand and exceed their expectations with our free brochure.

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What do our
partners think?

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you’re looking for?

If you want to build a long-term strategic plan or have a unique challenge which you want help resolving, speak to one of our experienced consultants.

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Explore the latest QS insights

Destination: US and Canada
What are the motivations and preferences of international students who want to study in the US and Canada? We’ve analyzed the perspectives of over 41,000 students interested in the US...
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Not sure where to begin?

Let us know your institution’s student recruitment challenges or objectives and we’ll build the perfect solution for you.

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