On 24th July 2014, a group of VIP leaders from China Youth University for Political Science visited QS HQ in London and discussed topics that interested both sides.
In this photo, Nunzio Quacquarelli, Managing Director and founder of QS welcomed the delegates and gave an introduction about various activities and services the whole company provide.
Elite Chinese University
When talking about Chinese top universities, what came to people’s mind would probably be those universities who are high up in the QS World University Ranking, especially Peking University and Tshinghua University, which are usually considered as the top 2 in China.
However, there is another university, which is also considered a high profile university –China Youth University For Political Science in Beijing. Their influence came from the fact that they were given the important mission to pre-select and cultivate the most talented young people to become the future leaders of the Chinese government. As a result, they have the privilege to recruit all the best students ahead all the other chinese universities during the college entrance exams and the overall scores required to be admitted are only slightly lower than that of Peking University and Tshinghua University, the top 2 in China.
Despite their prestige, they are uniquely positioned in the Chinese university system, they are not a comprehensive university. They tend to specialised in Arts and Humanity, and Social Science and Management, which could be helpful to cultivate government leaders. As a result, their unique profile might not be easily captured and reflected in many rankings avaiable around the world.
In this photo, Ben Sowter, Head of QS Intelligence Unit, the research arm of QS, who produced the QS World University Rankings and other key products which are research based.
In this photo, Prof. Lin Wei, Vice-President of the university, who is also on the Committee of the Eleventh All-China Youth Federation Commission spoke on behalf of the delegation on key areas they would like to work with QS in the near future.
The Delegation
This delegation is led by Prof. Lin Wei, Vice-President of the university, who is also on the Committee of the Eleventh All-China Youth Federation Commission. This introduction about him might not give the reader enough information about how important he is. Let me give you two examples. You may have head about Mr. Li Keqiang, the current China Premier who recently visisted the UK, bringing an exciting amount of £18bn investment to promote trade and investment between two countries. He was the President of this university 1993.5-1998.6. Mr. Hu Jintao, the ex-President of China, the gentleman who was leading the country’s economy into the world’s largest one, as reported by the World Bank in April this year, was also the President of this university 1984.12-1985.11
Accompanying him is a big delegation of 13 leaders from all key departments of the university, who are actively looking for opportunities for international collaboration on students exchagne, research, students enterprise, employability.
This is the photo of Prof. Lin Wei, Vice President of China Youth University For Political Science who spoke at the university event.
Nunzio Quacquarelli, Managing Director and founder of QS welcomed the delegates and gave an introduction about various activites and services the whole company provide. This is followed by Ben Sowter, Head of QS Intelligence Unit, the research arm of QS, who produced the QS World University Rankings and other key products which are research based. Thomas J.Ahonen who are responsible for the QS events in Asian area promoted future events QS planned to run in the region. At the end of the meeting, I gave a presentation on Chines employers’s perception about graduates and MBA graduates based on the annual QS Global Employer Survey, the world’s largest annual global employer survey; followed by a quick discussion on 5000 global employers’ perception about the value of MOOCs and the discussion on the Re-imagine Higher Education Global Competition iniatiated by QS and Wharton.
The whole meeting lasted about 3 hours, with QS leading the presentations and Q&A session followed to give delegates opportuniteis to dig deeper on areas they are interested in collaboration.
Both sides really cherish this fantastic opportunity to get to know each other more which would lay a solid foundation for long-term collaboration on both sides. The delegation thought very highly of the role QS has been playing over the decades in the world of higher education to promote mobility and transnational education. Prof. Lin Wei presented Nunzio Quacquarelli, Managing Director a lovely gift from China while the rest of us took a photo together with the yellow background of the QS logo.
Both sides agreed to actively follow up on the discussion and start to collaborate on areas of mutual interest and benefits.