Does your university struggle to continuously innovate? Encourage innovation at your institution by focusing on these three key areas.
Innovation in teaching is a critical component of world-class learning, and it’s made possible by those leading universities that continue to explore and evolve.
It’s also a key priority for prospective international students with high-quality teaching ranking as an important deciding factor when choosing a course (49%) and selecting a university (57%).
While both universities and students understand the importance of innovation in teaching, it can often be superseded by more day-to-day concerns and roadblocks.
To encourage and nurture innovation in teaching in your higher education institution, there are several areas that you could focus on in 2020.
This may seem like an odd choice but the culture of an institution can make or break its entrepreneurial spirit.
Cultivating a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within your higher education institution can spark dialogue, inspire creativity, and generate new ideas.
In a culture like this, university staff feel empowered to innovate their teaching methods and strategies, collaborating with other staff and faculties to share ideas and best practices.
Taking a creative approach to higher education and teaching is an important part of how your institution continues to innovate.
Encouraging your students to be creative is crucial, whether that’s through open dialogue, simulations, role playing, problem solving exercises, or other innovative teaching methods.
Creativity and innovation often go hand in hand, so it’s important not to stifle either within your higher education institution.
Empower your teachers to take an innovative approach to teaching and incorporate more creativity into the learning environment.
Technological advancement
Technological advancement is often a clear indication of innovation, demonstrating a willingness to invest in new tools and devices to assist students and staff.
Taking an innovative approach to technological investment and advancement needs to be a key priority for higher education institutions in today’s competitive market.
Whether it’s the digitization of manual processes, new software solutions to track university admissions, or a centralized data hub, these technological advancements both signify and nurture innovation within institutions.
To discuss the theme of ‘Learning, Teaching, Technology, and Innovation,’ QS WorldClass 2020 will be held from the 1-3 April in Malang, Indonesia.
This seminar is restricted to university presidents, vice presidents, and top executives of corporations who may be accompanied by one senior advisor of their choice.