On 28 January 2014, Dr. Christina Yan Zhang, China Director of QS Intelligence Unit was invited to attend a major international conference in London with senior education leaders around the world to have a discussion on the future of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
This conference is organised by The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education, University of London International Programmes, and Leadership Foundation on Higher Education’s titled ‘MOOCs: What we have learned, emerging themes and what next’, in the Senate House of University of London, UK.
(Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor, UK Open University gave the keynote speech at ‘MOOCs: What we have learned, emerging themes and what next’, in the Senate House of University of London, UK.)
Some of the most influential speakers on MOOCs have confirmed to speak at this high profile conference, including:
Confirmed speakers:
· Professor Sir Adrian Smith, Vice-Chancellor, University of London
· Tim Gore OBE, Director of Global Networks and Communities, University of London International Programmes
· Dr William Lawton, Director, Observatory on Borderless Higher Education
· Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister for Universities & Science, Minister for Universities & Science, Department for Business, Innovations and Skills
· Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor, UK Open University
· Professor Jenny Hamilton, Director, University of London Undergraduate Laws Programme
· Jon Harman, Learning Design & Media Director, College of Law
· Professor Stephen Brown, Professor of Learning Technologies, De Montfort University
· Professor Neil Morris, Chair of Educational Technology, University of Leeds
· Professor Fred Mulder, UNESCO Chair on Open Learning
· Michael Gaebel, Head of Unit, HE Policy, European University Association
· Professor Dinesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi
· David Lock, Director of International Projects, Leadership Foundation
· Dr Mark Pegg, Chief Executive, Leadership Foundation
· Professor Daphne Koller, Chief Executive, Coursera [via video]
· Will Archer, Chief Executive, i-graduate
· Simon Nelson, CEO, FutureLearn
· Tom Flynn, Vice-President Education, University of Bristol Students’ Union
· Professor Jeff Haywood, Vice Principal Knowledge Management, University of Edinburgh
· Michael Kerrison, Director of Academic Development, University of London International Programmes
· Michel Bernard, Universities Relations Manager, Google
· Stephen Haggard, Education Consultant
· Dr Maren Deepwell, Chief Executive, Association of Learning Technology
· Marielle van der Meer, Minerva Project
· Benjamin Barbon, Reader in English Literature and Digital Education
During the opening session of the conference when Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor, UK Open University gave the keynote speech, Dr. Christina Yan Zhang, China Director, QS Intelligence Unit asked Martin a question on if there has been any research done properly globally on how employers see the future and values of the MOOCs development globally. Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor, UK Open University said Christina asked a great question because currently around the world, most of the empirical research on MOOCs are usually from the views from universities. There s a gap to start to engage employers in this important process.
Dr. Christina Yan Zhang also talked to and met other senior leaders of the conference and discussed potential opportunities for collaborations.
(Dr. Christina Yan Zhang, China Director, QS Intelligence Unit asked Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor, UK Open University a question on if there has been any research done properly globally on how employers see the future and values of the MOOCs development globally. )
(Dr. Christina Yan Zhang, China Director, QS Intelligence Unit talked to old friend Tim Gore OBE, Director of Global Networks and Communities, University of London International Programmes on the opportunity to work closely on promoting on-line education globally)
(Dr. Christina Yan Zhang and David Black, Director of Google UK talked about the possibility of participating in QS Global Employer Survey, as well as enjoyed an interesting discussion about the rise of WeChat around the world and reaction from Google about this booming mobile phone based app. )
(Dr. Christina Yan Zhang, China Director, QS Intelligence Unit met Professor Dinesh Singh, Vice Chancellor and Professor of Mathematics on a discussion of the MOOCs development in India.)
(Dr. Christina Yan Zhang, China Director, QS Intelligence Unit met Professor Fred Mulder, UNESCO Chair on Open Learning and had a discussion about getting QS involved in UNESCO’s work on opening learning)