The release of the latest QS World University Rankings has been our most successful yet, with millions of institutions, outlets and students worldwide viewing the list of the world’s most highly-regarded universities.
With the chaos of the first week since their release behind us, we take a look at how the QS World University Rankings is being viewed around the world.
QS World University Rankings on social media
The impact the release of the QS World University Rankings has had on social media has been incredible, with a 144% YoY increase in traffic across social media channels – 109k visits in 2015 on the day of release compared to 44k in 2014.
Twitter saw our corresponding hashtag (#QSWUR) being used to connect users all over the world, reaching some 8.32 million accounts to date. With over 30,000 click-throughs from social media links and more than 12.3k conversations across social media regarding the rankings, it’s safe to say that this year’s rankings have been one of the most influential resources in higher education released so far.
Popular videos
One of the most popular mediums across social media is video, and the 2015 rankings are accompanied by some great videos that highlight their key results. Those videos have had over 17k views, 15k of which have been on YouTube alone, and a few of which you can see below:
The Top 10 Universities in the World 2015/16!
The Top 10 Universities in Canada 2015/16!
The Top 10 Universities in China 2015/16!
New channels introduced
In addition to video, QS has been interacting with users across new visual channels. Instagram and Pinterest were recently launched in time for the QS World University Rankings 2015. In that time, both universities and students have contributed their own user-generated content. Universities such as Durham University, University College London and Nanyang Technological University all got involved and received a lot of engagement from their posts while using the #QSWUR hashtag.
International news coverage
As one of the most important resources in the higher education industry, the release of the 2015 QS World University Rankings made its way into the headlines of several highly influential news outlets
BBC News
Huffington Post
The Independent
Presented at the EAIE conference – Glasgow
QS Digital Solutions presented the latest rankings release while attending the 27th annual EAIE conference, held this year in Glasgow. Europe’s largest international higher education conference, EAIE saw over 5,000 participants from 90 countries visit Glasgow in September where the 2015 QS World University Rankings were presented to higher education professionals.
See the