Meet face-to-face with admissions directors from UT Austin, Rice, University of Houston, Boston College and more to help you take that further step in your MBA journey.
Attend free GMAT seminars hosted by GMAC, apply for MBA Scholarships, and network with alumni from Wharton. You can also attend the Connect MBA event.
As an attendee, you will be eligible to apply for a pool of MBA scholarships worth $7 million.
Houston MBA Tour Event Agenda
1:30pm Registration Opens
2:10pm – 2:30pm
Short Business School Presentations
2:35pm – 2:55pm
Short Business School Presentations
3:00pm – 3:30pm
The Value of an MBA: Q&A with admissions directors
3:00pm – 3:30pm
Admissions hints & tips: Q&A with leading Business Schools
3:30pm Start of the fair
3:30pm – 4:00pm
Understanding and Preparing for the GMAT exam
Presenters: GMAC – official GMAT exam
6:00pm Fair Closes