The QS World University Rankings: Emerging Europe and Central Asia (EECA) 2022 are now live!
To compile our rankings, we rely on the support of universities across the region to supply us with data and work with us to make checks to ensure it is up-to-date and accurate.
Despite another challenging year for higher education across the globe, we are grateful for the continued commitment of institutions across the EECA region.
For a full list of the rankings and additional analysis about what they mean for the region, download our free report here.
Read below for our top six insights about this year’s rankings:
1. It’s the biggest ever EECA rankings yet with 451 institutions included, covering 51 more institutions than last year.
2. Russia’s Lomonosov Moscow State University has retained the top spot, which it has held since the inception of the EECA rankings in 2014.
3. Turkish and Cypriot universities dominate for research impact, taking seven of the ten best universities based on the ‘Citations per Paper’ indicator.
4. Russia and Ukraine have the highest number of new entrants to the rankings, with 16 in each, followed by Turkey (12) and Kazakhstan (7).
5. Cyprus is the location with the largest amount of ranked universities per population, followed by Latvia.
6. The overwhelming majority of ranked universities are public, while Turkey remains the only supplier of top-ranked private universities in the region.
For a full list of the rankings and additional insights from the region, download our free report here.