Wondering which cutting-edge data trends higher education professionals will rely on in 2020? Read on to discover everything you need to know.
Higher education professionals are utilizing data in more ways than ever before.
From collecting and analyzing big data to leveraging data-driven decision making to inform strategic planning, higher education has been significantly influenced by the insights and opportunities that data provides.
A number of key data trends will dominate the higher education landscape in 2020, including the three data techniques listed below.
Business intelligence dashboarding
If your university is collecting and centralizing its data into one system, then it’s important that this data is utilized.
Displaying centralized data in an easy-to-use dashboard will allow your university to pull the insights it needs from its vast quantities of data.
These insights can then be leveraged to make evidence-based decisions, which will in turn lead to better results for your institution.
Network analytics
Wondering how each department within your university works with each other, and where greater efficiencies could lie?
Network analytics allows your institution to gain a more comprehensive understanding of its operations and relationships.
This could help your university to identify potential opportunities for research collaboration and deeper partnerships.
Time series analysis
When conducting strategic planning, it’s also important to look at what’s been done in the past and what that data could reveal.
A wealth of historic data is currently gathering metaphorical dust in servers across institutions worldwide, overlooking the untapped potential of decades’ worth of data-driven insights.
Time series analysis can help institutions to examine how their operating environments have changed over the years to inform decision making as they plan for the future.
To discover more leading data techniques that higher education professionals will leverage in 2020, download your free copy of our white paper: Your A-Z Guide to Data in Higher Education.