How can higher education institutions become future-ready? A primer 

Dr Ashwin Fernandes on stage

Dr Ashwin Fernandes, QS Executive Director for Africa, Middle East and South Asia, considers what higher education institutions can do to be ready for the next generation of students.  I was invited by the Royal Academy of Management in Oman during their two-day Future of Higher Education Institutions Symposium to give a talk about the

Exploring France’s standout performance in the QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025 

QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025

Following our recent analysis of Spain’s institutional performance in the QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025, we now turn our focus to France – a nation excelling in collaboration and graduate employability.  French universities are setting high standards in employability metrics. In Employer Reputation, three institutions rank among Europe’s top 10, second only to the

Seize the unique opportunity for student recruitment growth with a data-led strategy

People collaborating

We live in data-rich times. At QS, we capture over one billion data points – universities, governments, third-party providers provide more besides. Without proper guidance and expertise, it can be a challenge to know what metrics matter, and how to cut through the noise. At the BUILA Conference 2024 on the 9th July and during

Spanish universities: A deep dive into the latest QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025 

QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025

In the latest QS World University Rankings: Europe 2025, we’ve assessed 685 institutions across Europe using 12 performance indicators. Let’s take a closer look at how Spanish universities have performed in these rankings.  This year, Spanish universities have improved their reputation among employers, and their graduate outcomes.  44 Spanish institutions are featured in the rankings,

Why are universities struggling with AI integration? 

AI integration

Written by Laura Lightfinch for QS Insights Magazine.    Higher education plays a huge role in the understanding and advancement of AI through vital research and in shaping discussions through higher education conferences and in the media. Though, when it comes to incorporating AI into the university experience, regulation and legislature can make it difficult for higher

How can Australian universities capitalise on successful diversification efforts?

Sydney opera house

By Jeroen Prinsen, QS Executive Director, Asia Pacific In some ways, Australian universities have mitigated student recruitment risks already. Compared to the other ‘big four’ international student destination markets, Australia is less reliant on China and India for enrolments.  Using Government of Australia data, we can see that this diversification has been driven by increases