New Year, New University: The 5 Things Your Institution Should Work on in 2020


Is your university struggling to reinvigorate and refresh its approach? Here are five things every institution should work on in 2020.  

While your university probably set its budgets and plans at the beginning of the academic year, there’s always room for improvement and growth.  

In 2020, it’s crucial to consider how your university is performing, and what areas you need to work on in the new year.  

Below are five steps that could reinvigorate your institution’s approach and performance in 2020.  

1. Rethink your strategy 

What’s your institution’s long-term strategy? And how frequently is it reviewed and refreshed?  

It’s important that your university’s long-term strategy is consistently analyzed, empowering your planning and strategy office to examine whether the strategy accurately reflects the institution’s current performance and where it’s heading.  

This is not something that you can just set and forget, regular assessments can help your institution to examine its data, performance, and output in a more holistic, strategic way.  

2. Analyze your international student recruitment efforts 

When it comes to international student recruitment, the sector is evolving at a rapid rate, fueled by new technologies, digitizationgeopolitical events, and a new understanding of best practices 

This includes taking a more customer-centric approach to your university’s international student recruitment strategy and services.  

It’s about treating prospective international students as valuable, long-term customers, and treating your current students the same way to ensure loyalty and nurture brand ambassadors.  

3. Rate your rankings  

Are you examining your past performance in global rankings and taking proactive steps to address weaknesses? 

If not, then you’re clearly missing out on key areas for improvement and minimizing the chances that your institution will rise in future rankings.  

Examine your rankings results and take a strategic and data-driven approach to your improvement initiatives.  

4. Consider your sustainability and social responsibility efforts 

recent QS survey revealed that 94% of prospective international students believe that universities could do more to be environmentally sustainable. 

While it may seem daunting to change established processes and procedures, implementing initiatives that address your students’ sustainability and social responsibility concerns should be a key priority for the new year. 

5. Reassess your partnerships and their effectiveness  

When was the last time you assessed the performance and effectiveness of your university partnerships? 

If the answer is when the partnership was formed, then you’ve got some work to do.  

University partnerships should be routinely assessed at strategic intervals, analyzing the outcomes so far and sparking a dialogue between the two parties.  

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