QS Master’s Summit and NAGAP 2024

The Galt House, Louisville, KY

QS Master’s Summit: April 23-24 2024

NAGAP: April 24-27 2024
Booth number 400

The QS Master’s Summit

The sixth annual QS Master’s Summit was a complimentary 2-day event (April 23 and 24) for university recruiting and admissions professionals, immediately leading up to the 2024 NAGAP Annual Conference in Louisville, KY. The Summit offered a place to engage with peers from across the country on best practices, understand current trends and new strategies from QS, and advance your knowledge of the admissions and enrollment landscape.

Here’s what we covered this year

  • QS State of the Master’s Marketplace
  • Supporting and Retaining your Admissions Team
  • Strategic Yield Development: Robinson College of Business’ Approach to Enrolling a Diverse Cohort
  • International Recruiting Strategy Panel
  • Using the True Colors Personality Assessment to Better Understand the Strengths and Behaviors of Teammates, Prospects, and Ourselves
  • Showcasing your Institution on the Road
  • Communication Strategies for Online Student Recruitment
  • Feeling Out of Touch?: High-Touch Recruitment for the Future
  • QS Student Recruitment
  • Workshop Topics:
    Recruiting Undergrads on Your Campus
    Utilizing Alumni and Ambassadors
    Working Collaboratively with your Marketing Team
    Financial Aid & Scholarship Strategy

Who is this event for?

The Summit brought together graduate enrollment professionals across all levels – from recruitment, communications, marketing or admissions specialists and strategists to assistant and associate deans. Gain transformative insights, network, and helped uplift the future of higher education together.

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62 million

High-intent students visit QS websites each year

Our Booth

QS is the go-to source of higher education insights, expertise and solutions:

  • #1 global market leader for student insights and guidance (Google Trends 2023)
  • Home to the world’s largest employer, academic, and student surveys
  • 300+ global student recruitment events welcome 180k+ registrants annually
  • 62m visitors to QS websites each year from 190 countries
  • 124k international media clippings in 2023

Download your digital brochures

We’ve collated some of the most relevant resources for you. Unlock exclusive insights, ready to explore in your own time and action on your own terms.

Complete the form below and we’ll email the resources direct to your inbox:

Student Recruitment brochure
QS Stars Ratings: Methodology
Fall Events Schedule 2024
Business school applicant trends
and motivations in 2024